Two days Seminar with the topic “National Defence, Digital Era and new Geostrategy”

From Tuesday 9th till Wednesday 10th of April 2024, took place in the Officers’ Club of Thessaloniki a two days seminar with the topic “National Defence, Digital Era and new Geostrategy” by the School of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Hellenic Supreme Joint War College (HSJWC) in the framework of the common master’s Study program.
In the two days seminar took part the Head of the Sixth Directorate of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff Major-General Ioannis Bouras, representatives of the Academia, Local Governance Authorities, local Military entities as well as ADISPO’s students.
The two days seminar concluded with the speech of the ex EU Commissioner and Minister Mr Dimitrios Avramopoulos with the topic “Greece and Europe Confronting with the New Geopolitics Uncertainty”.