International Courses

In addition to its main education task, the College also organises and conducts
International Courses, by order of the HNDGS.

In particular, the International Operational Planning Course is held at the
College on an annual basis, in English, and may be attended by Officers from allied
and friendly countries. In addition, the College organises a “mobile” International
Operational Planning Course, upon request by allied and friendly countries and
HNDGS approval.

Furthermore, being a member of the European Security and Defence College
(ESDC), the College participates in the conduct of the following training courses on
Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP):

  • Orientation Course
  • Project Management Methodology (PM2)
  • EU integrated Approach on operations, Advanced Module Training 1
  • EU Crisis Management at the Political-Strategic Level, Advanced Module
    Training 2a