Postgraduate Studies

The Supreme Joint War College (SJWC) cooperates with the Hellenic Higher
Educational Institutes in many ways and in all fields of common educational,
scientific, research, and administrative interest for excellence. In this context,
MOUs have been signed with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the University of
Macedonia and the International Hellenic University.

However, the College’s main academic cooperation with Departments of
Hellenic Higher Educational Institutes concerns the organisation of joint
postgraduate programmes on subjects included in its syllabus.

The larger part of the postgraduate courses organised by SJWC with the
Higher Educational Institutes is attended by all the students of the College (core
modules) and the rest are attended by the students who wish to obtain the
respective postgraduate degree.

Currently, the SJWC cooperates with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to
provide a Master of Arts in “Strategic Studies”.
The postgraduate course on “Strategic Studies” is three (3) semesters long
and includes of the following three specializations:

    • Energy and Sustainable Development
    • Communications and ICT
    • Project Management